Centers, libraries and societies
Centers, libraries and societies
University Sarajevo
Welcome to the University of Sarajevo!
Best University
Simply the Best
International cooperation
Guide for students
Colleges and academies
Scientific institutes
Centers, libraries and societies
University of Sarajevo student’s Parliament
Support and services
Where to stay
JUKS Institute for University of Sarajevo Students Healthcare
Office for Students support
Spare time
About Sarajevo
Vijećnica (City Hall)
Social life
Where to eat
National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina
“Bosna” University Sports Society
Bosniak Institute–Adil Zulfikarpašić’s Foundation
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
Center for the University of Sarajevo Campus Construction and Maintenance (CIOK)
City of Sarajevo Library
Gazi Husrev-bey’s Library
National and University Library of BiH
Student’s parliament of University Sarajevo
University of Sarajevo Academic Cultural Centre
University Tele-Informatics Center (UTIC)