Why choose studying at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine?
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Sarajevo is the only one of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The competencies [knowledge and skills] acquired through education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Sarajevo are in line with the provisions of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe on regulated professions, as well as the DIE (International Organisation for Animal Health) Recommendation on Veterinary Medicine Doctors for Quality Assurance in National Veterinary Services.
The student attends an integrated study programme of the first and second study cycles. According to the curriculum, the duration of this study is ten semesters or five years. Through TEMPUS, CEEPUS, VetNEST and Basileus programmes, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine actively participates in the student exchanges thus enabling students to acquire new knowledges in veterinary medicine. At the end of the study, 300 ECTS are obtained and the academic title —“Doctor of Veterinary Medicineˮ.
In addition to the aforementioned, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo offers a specialist study programme “Veterinary Medicine and Public Healthˮ from 15 different fields. Such a study programme provides both small animal and large animal practice specialists with additional education and trains new professional staff.
What after completing the studies?
The employment possibilities for doctors of veterinary medicine are different. The largest number of veterinary medicine graduates usually find employment in veterinary ambulances and clinics whose basic task is animal health care and a prevention programme development.
Also, doctors of veterinary medicine can be employed in various administrative (state and entity ministries) and executive bodies (inspection jobs), veterinary (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, institutes, reproduction centres) and educational institutions. Doctors of veterinary medicine also find their place in primary livestock production (farms and other forms of intensive animal production), as well as in controlling the quality of animal origin foods in slaughterhouses, fish processing plants, meat processing plants, dairy farms and other forms of processing industry related to animal production. In the pharmaceutical industry, they work on the development and control of drugs, but also as representatives of pharmaceutical companies for the supply and distribution of veterinary and human medicaments.
One of the advantages of this study is the possibility for candidates to enrol in doctoral studies and scholarly research with 300 ECTS credits anywhere in Bosnia and Herzegovina or the world. .
Years of study:
5 (I + II) + 3
Integrated studies– Veterinary Medicine
Specialised Studies
Address: Zmaja od Bosne St. No. 90
Tel.: +387 33 729 100
E-mail: info@vfs.unsa.ba
Web: www.vfs.unsa.ba